Cheese (imitation & processed)

Cheese (imitation & processed)

Products made with processed and imitation cheese are becoming increasingly popular in Latin American markets, as well as in several countries in Asia, the Middle East and Africa, where people are looking for a better quality and convenience. At Lactosan, we bring years of experience and expertise to the table so you can develop new product ideas and flavour directions that tap directly into these growing trends.

New product launches of processed and imitation cheese products in Latin America have registered a growing rate of 9% in the last 5 years. Although Mexico and Brazil are the most popular markets for new launches in these subcategories, Colombia, Chile and Uruguay are the countries that have the highest growing rate in Latin America with 49,5%, 29,7% and 17,5% respectively. In addition, cheese imitations have the highest growing rate within ghe cheese market in the continent.  LACTOSAN Cheese Powders are the ideal partner to achieve tasty formulations and provide much more than flavor through different functional benefits.

Lactose-Free trend is also of high interest for consumers of processed and imitation cheese products. At Lactosan we invented Cheese Powder and today we continue to innovate by creating the first range of Lactose-Free Cheese Powders. Our new LFL-Lactofreeline range can help you design and implement successful lactose-free creations in this product category.

Better than fresh cheese

Our Cheese Powders are perfect to enhance, substitute or mask flavours in processed and imitation cheese. Lactosan Cheese Powders offer a better solution than fresh cheeses, which often vary in maturation and availability and therefore make it difficult to maintain end-product consistency.

Lactosan Cheese Powders can help you to meet flavour profiles and declaration claims and are also easier than fresh cheese to store and manage, which helps to reduce overall costs. They also make it quick and simple to create new product types and flavours without the need to alter your existing production process.

Made out of natural cheese products, Lactosan Cheese Powders are perfect for a broad variety of products, including cheese slices for burgers and sandwiches, cheese spreads and imitation cheese, for example, mozzarella and feta type. The addition of Creamline Lactosan range of products maximizes creaminess, brightness and mouthfeel of these products.

Improve your offering

Lactosan is helping customers to create delicious processed and imitation cheese.  We recently helped a customer with the development of a processed cheese block according to his profitability requirements. Using our Lactosan Cheese Powder we obtained a stronger, more distinctive flavour, as well as greater stability and a longer shelf life.

We are ready to help

Get in touch with us today to find out more about how our Cheese Powders can help improve your product – and your bottom line.

See also:

Development by: Solcre.