Lactosan Cheeblend

Lactosan Cheeblend

Lactosan Cheeblend range of products is based on the combination of natural cheeses with other dairy ingredients and liquid vegetable oil. Its four varieties are named Cheese, Butter, Muzzarella and Cheddar, according to their most distinctive component, allowing cheese or butter declaration on product labels. Their ingredients contribute to creamier and creamier sensations, masking the presence of certain additives and/or off-flavours in different foods.

The contribution of dairy flavour, with slightly sweet notes, persistent over time turns Cheeblend Lactosan into an ideal line for applications such as snacks, fillings, seasonings, ready-made sauces and dairy desserts, among others.


Key attributes:

  • Cheese or butter declaration on labelling
  • Cheese as first ingredient
  • Improved texture and creaminess
  • Persistent dairy flavour and aroma


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Development by: Solcre.